Full CV

Born in 1963, in Cassano delle Murge, Bari, Italy, I am a priest of the Dioceses of Bari. My academic training includes: Philosophy (BPHIL, 1984 at Pontifical Lateran University Rome; MPHIL, 1992 at II University of Rome “Tor Vergata”); Theology (BTH, 1987 at Pontifical Lateran University, Rome); Social Sciences (Ph. D., 1995 at Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome).

Presently I am Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, I have been teaching at the Gregorian since year 1999; I am invited Professor of Ethics of Public Administration at former SSAI (Scuola Superiore dell’Amministrazione dell’Interno, Roma), now Dipartimento per le Politiche dell’Amministrazione Generale per le Politiche del Personale dell’Amministrazione Civile – SNA; from 2000; I am Invited Professor at the Accademia Alfonsiana (Istitute of the Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma) from 2024.

I have been a Visiting Professor in several Universities abroad.

I am author/editor of several books in the field of Political Philosophy; some of them: Come pensano e agiscono le istituzioni (EDB, 2011), Ce la farà Francesco? La sfida della riforma ecclesiale (la meridiana, 2016), in Portoguese: Francisco vai conseguir? O desafio da reforma da Igreja (Paulinas, 2016); in Spanish: ¿Lo conseguirá Francisco? Reforma eclesial y lógica institucional (San Pablo, 2016); in English:Will Pope Francis Pull It Off? The Challenge of Church Reform (Liturgical Press MN-USA, 2016), con F. GIANNELLA, La corruzione: attori e trame (Mimesis, 2018); Formare alla politica. L’esperienza di Cercasi un fine (Magma – Cuf  2020); Il potere. Uno spazio inquieto (Castelvecchi 2021), the Spanish edition: El poder: relaciones y dinámicas, Ciudad de Mexico: CEPROME-PPC; C’è sempre un dopo. Riflessioni su post-pandemia e guerra in Ucraina, Castelvecchi, Roma 2023.

From 1995 to 2002, I had the privilege of serving the Italian and the Regional Conference of Catholic Bishops, as Director of Justice and Peace Department.

Also, I am a Free Lance Journalist and a member of the Italian Journalist Association. I work as the Editor of the magazine “Cercasi un fine” and its website and the scientific Director of Social and political training programs (10-15 seminars a year, 3 hours each). My articles have been hosted on ANSA Italia, Globalist, SettimanaNews, Presenza Cristiana, Radio Vaticana, BBC International.

Now I serve as the president of the Association Cercasi un fine APS, info here.