Full CV

Born in 1963, in Cassano delle Murge, Bari, Italy, I am a priest of the Dioceses of Bari. My academic training includes: Philosophy (BPHIL, 1984 at Pontifical Lateran University Rome; MPHIL, 1992 at II University of Rome “Tor Vergata”); Theology (BTH, 1987 at Pontifical Lateran University, Rome); Social Sciences (Ph. D., 1995 at Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome).

Presently I am Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, I have been teaching at the Gregorian since year 1999; I am invited Professor of Ethics of Public Administration at former SSAI (Scuola Superiore dell’Amministrazione dell’Interno, Roma), now Dipartimento per le Politiche dell’Amministrazione Generale per le Politiche del Personale dell’Amministrazione Civile – SNA; from 2000; I am Invited Professor at the Accademia Alfonsiana (Istitute of the Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma) from 2024.

I have been a Visiting Professor in several Universities abroad.

I am author/editor of several books in the field of Political Philosophy; some of them: Come pensano e agiscono le istituzioni (EDB, 2011), Ce la farà Francesco? La sfida della riforma ecclesiale (la meridiana, 2016), in Portoguese: Francisco vai conseguir? O desafio da reforma da Igreja (Paulinas, 2016); in Spanish: ¿Lo conseguirá Francisco? Reforma eclesial y lógica institucional (San Pablo, 2016); in English:Will Pope Francis Pull It Off? The Challenge of Church Reform (Liturgical Press MN-USA, 2016), con F. GIANNELLA, La corruzione: attori e trame (Mimesis, 2018); Formare alla politica. L’esperienza di Cercasi un fine (Magma – Cuf  2020); Il potere. Uno spazio inquieto (Castelvecchi 2021), the Spanish edition: El poder: relaciones y dinámicas, Ciudad de Mexico: CEPROME-PPC; C’è sempre un dopo. Riflessioni su post-pandemia e guerra in Ucraina, Castelvecchi, Roma 2023.

From 1995 to 2002, I had the privilege of serving the Italian and the Regional Conference of Catholic Bishops, as Director of Justice and Peace Department.

Also, I am a Free Lance Journalist and a member of the Italian Journalist Association. I work as the Editor of the magazine “Cercasi un fine” and its website and the scientific Director of Political and Social Schools in Puglia (Italy), see www.cercasiunfine.it  My articles have been hosted on ANSA Italia, Globalist, Radio Vaticana, BBC International.

Now I serve as the president of the Association Cercasi un fine APS, info www.cercasiunfine.it